
How to Maintain Data Integrity Through The Cloud Migration Process


Cloud migration is becoming a common practice for businesses who want to expand and take advantage of the cloud’s agility and efficiency. Businesses that wish to stay competitive in their industry need stability, efficiency, flexibility and stability. They can do this by moving their applications and systems to the cloud.

You may have to face some challenges if your company decides to move to the cloud. Data security and integrity are two of the most important challenges you will face. If you are planning to undertake a cloud migration project, autocad it is important to be aware of the potential risks to your data.

Perform risk-based validation

Risk-based CAD validation is a method to identify and quantify the risks your products, business, and data are likely to face, and to determine the steps that you should take to minimize these risks. This step is critical in cloud migration because it identifies the main focus and ensures that data quality and reliability protocols are adhered to.

You can validate the cloud system yourself or ask your cloud vendor. Also, you should account for and validate electronic data storage locations. A quality management system must be in place that defines roles and frequency during validation. You should schedule additional validations throughout the migration after the initial validation.

Select A Reliable Cloud Provider

Cloud migration means your data security is more dependent on the cloud provider. You must ensure that your provider is in compliance with data integrity regulations. The cloud system that they offer should be suitable for the purpose, compatible with the application it will work in.

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Keep an Audit Trail

An audit trail gives an organization breadcrumbs that can be used to pinpoint the root cause of a data breach. An audit trail also records any data changes during a migration. The system automatically generates this audit trail and it should include the following features:

It should not be allowed to be tampered with by any user, as this could tamper data integrity.

It should record and track every event such as deletion, reading, modification or creation that occurs during the migration.

To show who modified or accessed the data, each event should be assigned to a user.

It should include timestamps to indicate when an event occurred.

Automate Data Validation and Automation

You may need to manually input your data before you can move it into the cloud. This can lead to data mistakes, so make sure to validate your data before you move it to the cloud. To prevent any data manipulation, users can place restrictions on data values.

Train employees

Cloud migration might be new for you and your employees. The data’s vulnerability to security and integrity risks will be increased if employees are not trained in data migration.