
8 Yoga Music Artists You Should Check Out


In my 10 Yoga Music Artists Worth Trying Out series, I have covered many yoga music artists. But this time, I was able to discover even more artists who deserve to be heard. These guys are great, so here’s more!

These 10 yoga music artists are not only diverse in their backgrounds, but also have different career stages. Some artists are just starting out in their music careers while others have made a name themselves in the yoga music world.

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We profiled 10 yoga music musicians in our last post. This week, we will continue the story with Part 2. The second post will feature 12 additional artists. I’ll try my best to keep them under three hours. This playlist is for those who practice yoga that involves deep breathing and relaxation.

My music is the only thing that keeps me going. My music helps me to overcome the world’s problems. John Miles

Music can bring people together, and it also allows them to explore their deepest selves. Music is a great complement to yoga. It allows you to explore your emotions and enrich your practice.

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These 10 musicians can inspire you to practice yoga.

  1. Moby

He is an American singer-songwriter and musician. There are 12 studio albums that were released between 1992-2016, and many good songs. A recommended album for beginners: Boca.

  1. Krishna Das

American singer-songwriter, record producer, and singer, he is best known for his Hindu devotional music, called kirtan. It praises panegyric. He was named Yoga Rock Star by the 2013 Grammy Awards. A recommended album for beginners: The greatest achievements in the Kali Yuga.

  1. Deva Premal
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German translator of spiritual and meditative mantras, she fuses Sanskrit and Buddhist mantras into a beautiful and powerful melody. It is a powerful way to open the heart and capture the soul. This album is recommended for beginners.

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  1. Jai Uttal

He is credited with pioneering the use of both Eastern and Western music styles in an eclectic way. American singer-songwriter and record producer. He is also well-known for his kirtan music. His music is a collection of prayers that go along with the flow and devotion of consciousness. A recommended album for beginners, The Shiva Station (bonus Edition).

  1. Enya

She is an Irish singer-songwriter and musician, best known for her single “Only Time”, which reached number 1 on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks charts in the United States between 2000-2002. An album for beginners.

  1. Olafur Arnalds

He is a BAFTA award-winning multi-instrumentalist, musician, composer and record producer from Iceland. Although not as well-known in yoga circles, her music is still worth hearing and incorporating into your mindfulness practice. Recommended album to start with is…and they escaped from the burden of darkness.

  1. Sufjan Stevens

He is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, best known for his single Chicago. His new album, which he named after his stepfather and mother, lets Sufyan reflect on the loss of his mother and allows him to share his grief. This album is recommended for beginners by Lowell and Carrie.

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  1. Joni Mitchell
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Joni Mitchell is the woman that taught you how to feel, cold English woman. Love Actually, Karen Although this Canadian singer-songwriter/record producer/artist may not be as well-known as the others on this list, she is still highly respected for her music that encourages personal exploration of emotions and addresses social and environmental issues.

She is frequently regarded as one of the most influential artists in the 20th century. It was the century. Her work is a great complement to any yoga practice, particularly the more active ones. This album is recommended for beginners.